Ongoing Grant programme

We are delighted with the numerous submissions we have received since the beginning of the year!

We have already distributed a large part of the funding for 2024. The following handling applies until the end of the year:

  1. Max. submission amount of CHF 5,000.00 per project (exception film)
  2. Deadline of 15 November 2023 for submissions over CHF 5,000.00 will be waived (exception film)

We thank you for your understanding.

Submission guidelines

Within the ongoing grant programme, the Südkulturfonds supports non-commercial cultural projects in the fields of performing arts, music, film, literature (including spoken word) and visual arts (photography, new media, performance). Applications can be submitted throughout the year. Submission deadlines are linked to the amount of the grant, see submission deadlines below. As a rule, the amount is based on the travel, transport and accommodation costs of a project. The allocated funds will be transferred once you have completed the final report. This should be done within two months of project completion. In every case, applications must be submitted at least four weeks before the start of the project. It is mandatory that projects are submitted together with a partner or venue in Switzerland.

Within the Ongoing Grant Programme there are two types of funding:

1) Project-based funding (under 15,000 CHF).

There are three submission deadlines for project-related applications (see Submission Deadlines). In the case of several applications, the maximum annual grant per applicant is CHF 20,000.

2) Programme or priority funding (under CHF 25,000, all disciplines except film*)

Programme or priority funding supports festivals or seasonal/annual programmes that are planning several performances with artists from the Südkulturfonds’ list of eligible countries. Programme or priority applications are announced once a year and reviewed by a transdisciplinary commission. The SKF awards a maximum of five programme grants per year.

Conditions for programme or priority funding:

  • Maximum support grant of CHF 24,999.
  • At least six performances with artists from the Südkulturfonds' list of eligible countries (priority is given to SDC priority countries).
  • Programme or priority applications can be supported only once every two years per applicant.
  • If programme or priority funding is received, no additional project application can be submitted in the corresponding year.
  • *Film festivals are exempt from these conditions. Film-related applications can be submitted for more than CHF 25,000 three times a year.

The Ongoing Grant Programme supports …

  • Performances, exhibitions and artistic happenings at Swiss venue.
  • Tours by artists with at least two confirmed performances in Switzerland and/ or neighbouring countries.
  • Album, theatre and dance productions with at least two different and confirmed performance venues in Switzerland and/ or nearby Europe.
  • Residencies of at least three weeks to a maximum of three months. Residencies involve artistic creation in Switzerland and are accompanied by a host (residency venue, event location, publisher, etc.). Also comprising the residency is a moment of public presentation of the artist(s) and their work to an interested audience in Switzerland.
  • Literary translations into one of the Swiss national languages.
  • Sur- and subtitling of performances and screenings in Switzerland.
  • Film series and festivals that involve filmmakers in the accompanying programme. Film festivals can submit project applications for more than CHF 25,000.

The Ongoing Grant Programme does not support…

  • Advertising and charity events.
  • Film productions.
  • Infrastructure and equipment.
  • Projects in the context of education and training.
  • Requests from the amateur cultural scene.
  • Applications that have been submitted after the deadline.
  • Projects that are already underway or completed and projects without adequate self-funding and/or without coherent financing plan.
  • Funding requests for projects or parts thereof that are already supported by other federal agencies.

Application requirements and priorities

An application must contain the following
  • Description of the concept and implementation plan of the project.
  • Details of the persons and institutions involved.
  • Launch of the project.
  • Balanced budget and coherent financing plan.
  • The requested amount must be clearly shown as a comprehensible deficit.
Südkulturfonds prioritises projects…
  • With artists living and working in the following countries and regions: a) priority countries, i.e. partner countries of the Swiss development cooperation b) other countries and regions eligible for development aid. Please consult the Südkulturfonds’ list of eligible countries.
  • with artists who are at the beginning of their artistic career (2-10 years).
  • with artists who have given more than two performances in Switzerland or in neighbouring countries.
  • of high artistic quality and originality.
  • which are implemented according to professional standards.
  • which are supported by various funding institutions (municipalities, cantons, foundations).
  • with a convincing concept for distribution/ dissemination and or promotion.
  • that demonstrate equal cooperation between all project participants at eye level.
  • that bring together different disciplines (transdisciplinarity).
  • that strive for equal opportunities and diversity (e.g.gender).

When assessing applications, the experts of the Südkulturfonds attach importance to the responsible and sustainable use of the funding.

Submission deadlines

Applications must be submitted at least four weeks before the start of the project. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Project contributions under CHF 5,000: four weeks before the start of the project at the latest

Project contributions under CHF 15,000: 31 January, 31 May, 15 November

Programme/priority contributions under CHF 25,000: 31 January

Film*-related contributions: 31 January, 31 May, 15 November

*Film-related applications over CHF 30,000 must be submitted at least two months before the start of the project and only in consultation with artlink.


Applications under CHF 5,000 are assessed by the artlink office on an ongoing basis. Applications of CHF 5,000 or more are assessed together with external experts. The office appoints the experts for a limited term of two years. We strive to ensure that the commissions are diverse in terms of origin, gender, age and social class.

Current experts: Laurence Desarzens, Lausanne (Music), Kadiatou Diallo, Basel (Performing arts), Anne Delseth, Paris (Film), Justine Moeckli, Geneva (Visual Arts), Rémi Arman Tchokothe, Vienna (literature), Usama Al Shahmani, Frauenfeld (literary translations).

Fim contributions of more than CHF 30,000 also require the approval of the Südkulturfonds Steering Group, consisting of representatives of artlink and the SDC's Culture and Development Division.


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